Quick Guide for Supporting Liver & Skin

Current research states that poor gut health [1] , along with compromised liver function [2] contributes to many skin issues - eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne and rosacea are all examples of varying skin conditions that people seek to treat because they can be unsightly and uncomfortable, even painful.
The liver is responsible for hundreds of important bodily functions. One of these most important functions is to break down and neutralize toxins for their elimination. “Toxins” are substances that are deemed as harmful for human health. We can be exposed to countless toxins everyday; externally, through food and environment, or, they can be produced internally, via the natural processes of metabolism. Toxins are also created from the exposure to bacteria, viruses and fungi. This process of the body breaking down, neutralizing and eliminating toxins is known as “detoxification” and is a complex bio-operation. It is an intricate process that requires sufficient energy reserves and key nutrients for its support. It is a process that shouldn’t be taken likely and should be done correctly if the body is to heal and rejuvenate itself. When the liver is compromised, due to nutritional deficiencies, or an over-exposure to toxins, free radicals in the body can become unmanageable. Symptoms of a compromised liver are: skin disorders, hormonal imbalances, unexplained added weight gain and/or the inability to lose weight, cellulite, and high LDL cholesterol.
The gut, meaning the colon, is responsible for the elimination of toxins, absorption of certain nutrients and electrolytes and is a big component of our immune system. In today’s world of on-going stress and the convenient access we have to poor quality foods, the gut can easily become imbalanced and sluggish resulting in inflammation and a back-up of toxins in the body, that ultimately affects the liver too. Think constipation! Holistic doctors term this as “gut dysbiosis” and/or “leaky gut” or “gut permeability”. Many symptoms and conditions associated with inflammation, like acne, rosacea, eczema, etc., are linked back to gut imbalances.
Without going further into the nuts and bolts of detoxification, the takeaway is that the gut and the liver work hand-in-hand to keep our bodies balanced and healthy through the natural processes of detoxification and elimination, concluding, that the connection between the internal body workings and the skin is very clear and doing what we can to support this process is paramount. Since detoxification is a natural process of the body, how can we support it with solutions that can be done daily, several times per week, or even periodically, without ill-effect? I like to term these regular, self-care habits as “Tender Detox Support”.
Following is my list of “Tender Detox Support” - all gentle methods to support on-going detoxification of the liver and colon, which consequently reduces inflammation and yes, improves and/or sustains healthy, vital skin.
Eat a diet of organic, whole foods that consists of high-quality proteins and vegetables/fruits that are high in fiber [3].
Begin your morning drinking warm lemon water [6].
Take a probiotic supplement and/or eat probiotic foods (raw kraut, kimchee, keifer)
Take a full-spectrum, digestive enzyme [2] with meals.
Drink green juices that are rich in chlorophyll [6].
Incorporate a 1 - 3-day juice cleanse.
Practice dry skin brushing [2][6]
Practice infrared sauna therapy and/or sweating [2].
Practice castor oil pack therapy [5].
Avoid/reduce household toxins that are frequently found in cleaning products, shampoos, soaps and other personal-care products [2].
Practice enemas and/or coffee enemas [4].
Take a magnesium chloride bath.
Practice relaxation and emotional cleansing to manage stress, anxiety, anger, etc., through yoga, meditation, prayer, nature, etc [6]..
You may or may not know about, or recognize, everything on this list, but I encourage you to do some research and perhaps try a few of these practices to see how you feel. How you feel is a good indicator to determine if something is right for you or not.
In conclusion, I believe that we are living in a transitional time; a time to take responsibility for one’s own health. Knowledge is power! Implementing these key tools for health is life-changing as it is both liberating and empowering.
Cheers to Excellent Health!
Keri Berardinelli
DePessemier B, Grine L, Debaere M, Maes A, Paetzold B, Callewaert C, Gut-Skin Axis: Current Knowledge of the Interrelationship Between Microbial Dysbiosis & Skin Conditions Microorganisms 2021; 9(2): 353
Vreeland, L., Sivamani, R: https://www.dermveda.com/articles/detoxification-series-the-liver
Hodges RE, Minich DM. Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application. J Nutr Metab. 2015;2015:760689. doi: 10.1155/2015/760689. Epub 2015 Jun 16. PMID: 26167297; PMCID: PMC4488002.
The Gerson Institute; https://gerson.org/coffee-enema-8-things-you-need-to-know/
Arslan, GG, Eser, I: an examination of the effect of castor oil packs on constipation in the elderly, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Vol. 17, Issue1, 2011 pp58-62
Lew, T. & Naturopath, ND: “We Need a Happy Liver” 1999 Vol. 15, No. 3, “The Hypoglycemia Health Association”