an outside photo of the building lotus evolutions is in

About Us

Keri and Chad

Our Story...

Keri and Chad are the owners of Lotus Evolutions Holistic Spa and together their intent is to make this world a healthier, more beautiful place. 

Keri and Chad have embraced their concept that, as a culture, we need to redefine what true beauty is. The use of toxic aesthetic products and procedures only adds more stress on the body - physically, emotionally and spiritually; and its results are always temporary anyway.

At the end of the day, we continue to navigate through life nutrient deficient, dehydrated, lacking energy, and dissatisfied with how we look.

When the focus is shifted on wellness, we can achieve a level of beauty that is a reflection of how we feel on the inside and its effects are on-going, never temporary. Your skin and beauty radiates as a reflection of inner balance and good health.

They've chosen their menu of services based on several factors:

  • Is the product/service non-invasive posing no risk factors?
  • Is the product/service non-toxic to the body?
  • Does the product/service contribute to overall health and well-being?
  • Does the product/service reduce systemic stress?

If they can answer "yes" to these questions, then the product/service fits their model of skin and overall health.

Chad's Story

Chad has a twenty-year background in public affairs. After meeting Keri in 2020, she inspired him to do better, physically and in all areas of his life. After losing over twenty-five pounds following Keri’s lead to healthy nutrition and holistic living, he decided to join Keri’s efforts in launching a wellness business here in Maricopa, AZ. Their first location opened in February of 2022. 

Chad’s story is typical that many can relate to. Even though he had once had an active lifestyle and had once been in shape, it became too easy to just order delivery or get fast food drive-through. He found himself overweight, lacking energy, and on medication to lower cholesterol. Keri encouraged him to make lifestyle adjustments and bring consistency to his lifestyle. Fast forward to today, and Chad is no longer on medication plus he feels better, looks better and is enjoying his life more. His biggest issue now is most of his clothes no longer fit him and are too large!

Chad mainly works administration and builds public relations for Lotus Evolutions Holistic Spa. He is also certified in food safety as a Food Protection Manager, so he spends the remainder of his time overseeing the cold-pressed juice production and makes sure it gets delivered and/or is available for pick-up following scheduled spa services. 

Keri's Story

Keri has been in the spa/wellness industry for over twenty years. It has truly always been her passion and a big part of her life’s purpose – to give her clients the best experience in wellness care and to educate them on nutrition and natural approaches to looking and feeling great no matter what age. 

chad and keri, owners of lotus evolution, at their shop

Keri and Chad

Keri has her Arizona license in aesthetics and medical aesthetics. She is a certified holistic nutrition specialist and has previously worked in the fields of colon hydrotherapy, detoxification, and digestive health. She also has several certifications in aromatherapy, reflexology, and foundational Ayurvedic principles. Her current studies are in the field of organic formulation where Keri has been learning the secrets of organic skin care formulation. She has been in the process of developing her own line of organic skin care products and has named this extension of her business "Evolve Organic Skin Care". Her first collection of skin care products are known as the "Desert Love Skin Collection", which many clients have now started using. It is a line formulated for the harsh desert climate notoriously known for its intense sun and heat exposure. It currently includes the following: cleanser, two serums, and a facial cream emulsion that will be fully released in May of 2024. More products are being developed and will be available in the near to distant future.

In conclusion, Keri not only teaches in these holistic modalities, but she has lived them her entire adult life. From a very young age, Keri chose holistic living mainly from a vanity perspective. But through her experiences in adulthood, she has gained a deeper understanding of beauty, wellness, and the natural process of healing.

A personal experience that really pushed Keri into embracing a holistic perspective, and integrating it into her work, was back in 2010 when she healed herself from chronic bouts of skin psoriasis and recurring urinary tract infections. That journey inspired her to the point that she opened her first wellness spa/center in March of 2011.

Then, at the end of 2017, Keri’s start and struggle with anxiety disorder became her next focus of healing. This illness almost left her house bound in 2019 prior to her move to Arizona. Fast forward, she has healed greatly since then, which she attributes to the sunny, desert climate. But most importantly, she attributes her healing to her faith, and her implemented tools of natural healing, to gain control over her life. From diet, meditation, prayer, yoga, breath work and NRF2 activation therapy, all worked in concert to achieve a greater level of health today. As always, its always a journey, not a quick fix. Today, Keri leads a normal, active, and productive life without the use of medications.

 Keri is ready to work with you if you’re ready also. Let her lead you to a more holistic life that preludes your own healing and transformation. Learn how you can look and feel amazing!

Lotus Evolutions Leaf Logo by itself